Sunday, September 15, 2013


The MT-BCC is a newly designed bottom coil clearomizer. It's design is very similar to the eVod & MT3S with out the metal sleeve around the plastic tube.This clearomizer has a E-liquid level of 2.0ml instead of the 1.5-1.6 ml like most on the market currently.

Which allows you to view the level of your E-liquid fully at all times. The coils are similar to the kangertech bottom coils, t have tested the kanger eVod coils in the MT-BCC and have to say they have fine with no burnt taste or leakage to this point and vaping with a joyetech eVic @ 8.5 watts and a 2.2 eVod coil. for a couple of days now. As for the coil that came with this unit is rated at 2.4 ohms and performed good as well.We won't say all kanger coils are compatible the ones we tested was and worked flawlessly.

Colors & Ohms Available:

The ohms & colors that will be available for this BCC at CrimsonVapor:

  • 1.8 ohms
  • 2.4 ohms
  • 2.8 ohms


  • clear
  • red
  • black
  • green
  • blue
One thing that I did notice is that you're able to see condensation in the draw tube of this clearomizer, which is eye catching to some and some don't like it. Now on to the taste and vapor production of the MT-BCC.
The vapor production is great the e-liquid I was testing with has a ratio of 60% pg & 40% vg, different liquids may produce different results.Taste was really no different then with the eVod or the T3S clearomizer

The MT-BCC will be available
for purchase 9/16/2013