Sunday, September 15, 2013


The MT-BCC is a newly designed bottom coil clearomizer. It's design is very similar to the eVod & MT3S with out the metal sleeve around the plastic tube.This clearomizer has a E-liquid level of 2.0ml instead of the 1.5-1.6 ml like most on the market currently.

Which allows you to view the level of your E-liquid fully at all times. The coils are similar to the kangertech bottom coils, t have tested the kanger eVod coils in the MT-BCC and have to say they have fine with no burnt taste or leakage to this point and vaping with a joyetech eVic @ 8.5 watts and a 2.2 eVod coil. for a couple of days now. As for the coil that came with this unit is rated at 2.4 ohms and performed good as well.We won't say all kanger coils are compatible the ones we tested was and worked flawlessly.

Colors & Ohms Available:

The ohms & colors that will be available for this BCC at CrimsonVapor:

  • 1.8 ohms
  • 2.4 ohms
  • 2.8 ohms


  • clear
  • red
  • black
  • green
  • blue
One thing that I did notice is that you're able to see condensation in the draw tube of this clearomizer, which is eye catching to some and some don't like it. Now on to the taste and vapor production of the MT-BCC.
The vapor production is great the e-liquid I was testing with has a ratio of 60% pg & 40% vg, different liquids may produce different results.Taste was really no different then with the eVod or the T3S clearomizer

The MT-BCC will be available
for purchase 9/16/2013


Friday, July 5, 2013

CE8 SS Mesh Clearomizer

We are now carrying the Bauway CE8 which is alot like the CE5+ we carry, But is much easier to fill and has a larger tank at 2.0 ml instead of the 1.6 ml. The atomizer head has 4 holes in the head 2 on both side much like the CE5+ head. This clearomizer has a stainless steel mesh wrapping the the coil inside the tube to help saturate the coil for luiquid to be fed to the coils at all times.

I have to say i like the different design to the seal on top of the atomizer head, it seats on the outside of the tube instead of being placed inside the tube to keep your E-Liquid from being able to get into the coil.

I have been using one of these Clearomizers for more then a week now and have to say it has a great vapor production and taste with no burnt flavor(using on my eVic @ 8.5-9.0 watts with no problems). When you purchase the CE8 from Crimson Vapor it comes with the LR atomizer head (1.8-2.2 ohms) also available is the standard ohms @ 2.4-2.8 ohms range. If you are interested in purchasing one of these from us check it out at Crimson Vapor CE8 Clearomizer

Saturday, June 8, 2013

ismoKa BCC Tank System

The ismoKa BCC Tank, while has been out for a little while, we just decided to add it to our inventory. I have been testing it for a coupe of days now, will have to say with all the tank systems out right now it is becoming a favorite of mine.

 The ismoKa kit comes with:
1-3.5 Tank assembly
1- removable flat tip( you can use any 510 tip you have may be little lose but will fit)
3- Coils (1.8,2.2, and 2.5 ohms)

This is one of the most user friendly tanks i have come across much like the Kanger Protank System.
By no means (im my opinion) think this is a better tank then the Protank but take away the pyrex glass from the Protank and very comparable. Only down fall i have seen from this tank ,but haven't had a issue with as of yet is the coil system pops into the base instead of screwing into the base.
With a price of $12.99 for the kit this is a great tank to add to your collection as i have, great vapor production and clean crisp taste with the 2.2 coil @ 8.5 watts with no burnt taste.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

France to ban electronic cigarettes in public

France will ban electronic cigarette smoking in public places by imposing the same curbs enforced since 2007 to combat tobacco smoking, Health Minister Marisol Touraine said on Friday.

Amid mounting global concern over the public health implications of so-called e-cigarettes, Touraine said they faced the same fate as traditional ones: a ban on smoking in public spaces and sales to minors and a blackout on media advertising.

In a country where the pungent waft of Gaulloises and Gitanes once seemed an unassailable part of cafe culture, smokers have long been banished to outdoor terrace seats.

The near-odorless electronic alternative - battery-driven devices that allow users inhale odorless nicotine-laced vapor rather than smoke - are gaining ground in no-go zones such as bars, cafes, trains, waiting rooms and offices.

A government-commissioned report said this week that around 500,000 people in France had turned to e-cigarettes, which are designed to look like cigarettes although some come in different colors, and recommended a crackdown on public use.

Health officials in many countries say the impact of electronic cigarettes on health needs further study.

Another worry they cite is that the electronic alternative will increase the general temptation to smoke, including enticing those who have quit to start again, or that smokers may use them alongside rather than instead of regular cigarettes.

"This is no ordinary product because it encourages mimicking and could promote taking up smoking," said Touraine, who announced her plans at a news conference.

In the United States, the number of smokers who have tried out e-cigarettes doubled to one in five in 2011 and the number of all adults trying it doubled too, to 6 percent, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In France, a country of 66 million, the government says tobacco smoking kills some 66,000 people a year and another 5,000 are killed through passive exposure to smoke.

The expert in charge of the French report advised against an outright ban on e-cigarettes, however, saying they still seemed safer than tar-laden tobacco.

Electronic cigarettes, whose invention is widely credited to a Chinese pharmacist a decade ago, usually comprise disposable cartridges of liquid such as propylene glycol that is easily turned to vapor and can contain artificial flavors alongside concentrated liquid nicotine.

(Reporting by Brian Love and Chine Labbe; Editing by Catherine Bremer and Alison Williams)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Logic Sponsors Study on E-Cigarettes' Effectiveness

LIVINGSTON, N.J. -- Logic Technology is sponsoring a study to look at the relationship between electronic cigarettes and the decline of tobacco use.

The Livingston, N.J.-based electronic cigarette maker has tapped Dr. Keith Ablow to conduct an expanded clinical study of Logic e-cigarettes in his psychiatry practice to determine their effects on reducing or eliminating tobacco product usage. Ablow previously reported that three individuals had stopped smoking when given e-cigarettes as part of a smoking cessation regimen.

The 12-week study will monitor and track patients' experiences using electronic cigarettes to determine the products’ effectiveness for transitioning smokers from traditional cigarettes to the tobacco-free, smokeless, battery-operated nicotine delivery devices.

"We are thrilled to work with distinguished psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow to conduct this study," said Eli Alelov, CEO of Logic Technology. "Minimal statistical data exists about electronic cigarettes and their effectiveness in supporting a switch from traditional cigarettes, and we think it is imperative to educate the public on the benefits of this product."

The most recent Nielsen Brand Rank Report found that Logic outperformed all e-cigarette brands in the first quarter of 2013 for sales per point of distribution. Based on sales from convenience stores across the United States, the Nielsen Brand Rank Report showed Logic's Black Label was the most preferred in the electronic cigarette category. In addition, Logic's Platinum Label was the second-highest-selling electronic cigarette.

As the study moves forward, Logic will provide updates on the findings:

Source Link:

Thursday, May 23, 2013

SmokTech Pyrex Glass DCT

We are adding yet another product to our line of Tanks. The newly designed SmokTech Pyrex DCT, this tank is made of pyrex glass like the Kanger protank, so no more worries about fogging or cracking from corrosive eliquids.The Smoktech Pyrex DCT design is made up with a pyrex glass main body and shrouded with a aluminum sleeve with 2 holes cut out to veiw your amount of E-liquid you have left. Truly a great looking DCT in my opinion. Now the tank features: comes with a 1.5 dual hole pre-punched Smoktech dual coil 510 thread cartomizer, made from Pyrex Glass and Aluminum. Holds around 6ml of your favorite e-juice and drip tip, with polished aluminum end caps.
The ends caps are not removable unlike the iclear30 or the VIVi Nova so filling will be a bit more difficult than these tanks or a standard DCT, but the durable design as far as the glass tank makes it all worth it in our opinion. We will stock the  most popular resistance ohms 2.0 & 2.5 along with 4 colors: Black-Blue-Red-Stainless, shipment ETA is around 5/27/13. So come visit us @Crimson Vapor for you Smoktech DCT and all your vaping needs!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kangertech T3S & MT3S clearomizers

Kanger has changed the design to a already great product the T3 & MT3, naminig it the T3S & MT3S. Kanger has integrated the coil system they are currently using with the eVod and the Kanger Protank. Which is a great design in my option, by changing the coil system in the T3 & MT3 the cost to use these clearomizer just got a little cheaper. Not having to buy the whole base has cut cost down, and made it a little easier to carry a few extra with you. We have a shippment of the T3S & MT3S ordered and ETA is around 5/27/13. These are sure to be a great additional to your collection of Tanks & Clearomizers. Get yours @ Crimson Vapor

We will also be posting a reveiw of this product

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kanger ProTank

They have finally arrived the Kanger Protank now in stock at Crimson Vapor first glance at this tank is breathe taken with it's design. With it being a glassomizer no more worries about the corrosive E-juice known to fog or crack our tanks, pickKanger ProTank  yours up now!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Joyetech eVic & eRoll Starter Kits

We have finally received our shipment of the new joyetech eVic Starter Kits & eRoll Starter Kits. We have posted them to the site ready for purchase, if you would like to read a review on either of the kits guide to vaping had done yet another great good with reviewing these kits in full detail. Joyetech eVic Review & Joyetech eRoll Reveiw

Monday, February 25, 2013

Soon to be in stock at Crimson Vapor

Soon here at Crimson Vapor we will be offering the evic. Shipment has been sent out and awaiting arrival now. Here is a video to introduce you to the evic which is getting great reviews from all vapers and including guidetovaping. If you are looking to take that next step in your vaping experience then the evic starter kit is what you want, with downloadable software and updates coming on a regular basis then how could you go wrong. This kit will sale for 102.95 instead of the retail price of 139.00

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New E-Liquid flavor

First off, I would like to thank Blake over at GuidetoVaping for taking the time to review another one of our E-liquid flavors. I sent him our raspberry banana e-liquid about a week ago and got great feedback from him about this e-liquid and Blake has posted the review on guidetovaping here is the link if you would like to see what he thinks about our newest flavor raspberry-ban-e-liquid-review . We take alot of pride in our E-liquid, and test each flavor many times to insure it has the best flavor that we can produce with our method of mixing. We are continuously working on new flavors here at Crimson Vapor so check out our selection of E-Liquid to find your favorite.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Spring Loaded connector on CE4/5

I have discussed a problem with some of our suppliers about a connection problem with the ce4 and ce5 clearomizers. After some time they got back with me about a solution that they came up with. My supplier has made the connection pin in the clearomizers spring loaded, so no matter what battery you have, old or new the clearomizer should make a connection now. With this new adjustment to the clearomizers that i have tested the problem has been fixed, I'm sure there will still be 1 or 2 that has fallen through the cracks but in my option this is a step in the right direction.